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The Art of Elke Frisch, Contact: ELMAXA GmbH, Strassfeld 18, D-85417 Marzling, Fon ++49 (0) 81 61 - 93 84 34, Mail info@elke-frisch.de – owner Elke Frisch is responsible for the entire content of this website.

Links to www.elke-frisch.de or any part thereof is only possible after prior permission of Elke Frisch. Legal proceedings may be instigated should this not occur.
On May 12 1998 the County Court of Hamburg decided that anyone who places a link to another website from their own pages is made in part responsible for that external content. The only way to avoid this responsibility is to clearly distance oneself from that content.
For this reason we would like to state that »The Art of Elke Frisch« has absolutely no control or influence over the design and content of any external sites that we have linked to from within this site whatsoever. We are therefore not liable for any content of extremist, pornographic or otherwise criminal nature.
Should you discover any such content we would request that you inform us and we will immediately remove the link and inform the police.

Grafikstudio 8, Bernd Buchberger, Freisinger Straße 66, D-85416 Langenbach,
Fon.: 0 87 61 - 33 03 09, Fax: 0 87 61 - 33 41 99, E-Mail: info@grafikstudio 8.de,
Internet: www.grafikstudio8.de

E-Mail an Elke Frisch